You are currently browsing the monthly archive for July 2010.

I don't even know what this cheesy pic is supposed to be about, but it's the most cloak-and-dagger thing I could find in The Bachelor/ette world.

Well, this is odd.

I watched “The Bachelor: Then and Now” on Wednesday and there was Reality Steve, saying nothing controversial at all. Nothing too interesting either. He was Mr. Exposition, giving us background on who was “the stalker” or “the crier,” etc., from the past 14 seasons of “The Bachelor.” Just the resident “expert” documentaries feature all the time.

I was surprised that they invited him onto the show only to leave him in such a generic role. No discussion of spoilers or producer manipulation. None of the stuff that makes Steve the spoiler king.

I wondered if it was because E! is connected to Disney/ABC through Comcast and they decided to play it safe while appearing to not play it safe by inviting an “outsider” like Steve to do an equally bland version of “The Stories Behind the Rose,” just on E! instead of ABC.  Now I’m wondering if there was pressure after the fact from ABC producers (*cough*MikeFleiss*cough*) angry that Steve was given such a shot of credibility — sandwiched in edits between Fleiss and Chris Harrison.

It actually makes more sense that he was removed, considering Steve wrote that ABC supposedly hired a private investigator to ferret out his sources.

It’s funny because Steve has been playing up how often the show will repeat — if you missed it on Wednesday watch it seven or eight more times this week. He’s been their PR machine.

And now it appears he’s been replaced.


According to one of the Fans of Reality TV posters on the Reality Steve spoilers page:

“One thing raises my curiosity about Reality Steve and his relationship with the Bachelor management.
On Wednesday, I saw a couple minutes of The Bachelor: Then and Now on E! I recall Fleiss, Harrison and Reality Steve as being on the small part I saw. I recorded the second half and set my recorder to get the first half. The first 2 scheduled repeats did not air. This afternoon, E! aired it again but no Reality Steve. Instead, I saw a black woman, Delaina Dixon aka TV DivaGal.
Now, I don’t know whether E! wanted more diversity or someone more telegenic than Reality Steve. However, it is possible that TPTB at ABC or The Bachelor wanted Reality Steve off the program. Curiouser and curiouser.”

Delaina Dixon is a regular on the ABC “Bachelorette” conference calls they do almost every week with departed bachelors. (There’s another one with Ali, Chris and Roberto on Tuesday.) Not sure why they would add her to replace Steve, though. If they hate him so much, why did they ask him to do the show to begin with? He wrote that they came to Dallas and spent three hours interviewing him. Why bother? Unless they were just using him for PR? Weird.


Steve is tweeting about it. He does not seem happy, but he does seem to see it as affirmation of his power:

  1. Really? Removing all my clips from the E! special & replacing them w some1 else? Now that’s funny. Guess I’ll just keep ruining their show about 3 hours ago via web
  2. I’ve said numerous times I didn’t think ABC cared what I wrote or said. Boy was I wrong. Apparently they have a hard on for me. about 3 hours ago via web
  3. @weez2610 That’s the only explanation.They don’t want my name associated w/ their franchise. Esp since the girl just reworded what I said about 3 hours ago via web in reply to weez2610
  4. @TrowbyB I was on when it aired the 1st time Wed night. Every repeat will be w me replaced w someone they got 2 basically reword what I said about 2 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® in reply to TrowbyB
  5. @kwisnie not sure how or why, but they did. They don’t want me associated w their franchise cuz what I say is right and they know it. about 2 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® in reply to kwisnie
  6. @JRadloff nope. Not kidding. Watch the replays. One is on right now. Every clip of me is replaced by some1 saying what I said just reworded about 1 hour ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® in reply to JRadloff


No matter what, it’s odd. Looks to me like there’s another broadcast Sunday around 5 p.m. so I might try to catch part of it just to see if there’s any obvious reason why this would be happening. Maybe they just wanted a woman’s perspective? They did have the E! news guy, Fleiss, Chris H. and Steve, so I wouldn’t blame them if they wanted a woman’s view on a show as female-driven as “The Bachelor,” but why come to that decision after the initial airing? And why have her just repeat Steve’s words? Again, weird.


For all kinds of “Bachelorette” news, spoilers, recaps, top 10 lists, fashion face-offs and various general “stuff” visit

Hints that Ali is Single

Hints that Ali Picks Chris Lambton

Hints that Ali Picks Roberto Martinez

Hints that Ali is Engaged to… Someone

Catch up on my own nifty Bachelor/Bachelorette archive here. I’ve been updating this frequently in the last few days, so do a lot of scrolling to get it all!

P.S. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: I’m not related to Reality Steve. Carbone is just a fairly common Italian name. Maybe the real translation of “Carbone” is “People Who Are Too Obsessed With The Bachelor”! 🙂

When is Roberto going to learn a second dance? Maybe the tango or lambada?

By Gina Carbone

Granted, these are just clips, but Roberto seems to be winning the Ali war. She leans into him and is just more affectionate with him in general.

Ali’s mother tells Roberto he has to teach her how to salsa dance, which means she has been prepped. During Chris’ clip with the parents, he talks again about Massachusetts and his mother. So we’re back to salsa vs. mom.

Tell them about your flip cup competition.

In two other clips, Roberto and Chris ask for Ali’s dad’s blessing to propose. Roberto’s request is much more romantic and charming. He talks about being so nervous when he got out of the limo on that first night. He kept his head down and when he looked up and made eye contact with Ali, something just happened.

It goes back to “that feeling” that both Ali and Roberto talk about.

Ali’s dad asks Chris if he can honestly say he’s in love with Ali, as if the idea is inconceivable (thanks Dad!). Chris’ answer is not the “absolutely…” sort of Hallmark card he normally gives. It’s more cautious. He calls her “amazing” and says when he sees her he starts smiling.

A note on the guys’ characters. Both are great, can we agree?

I feel like a lot of people are calling Roberto a “charmer” and too young and immature for a long-term relationship. He’s 26. Ali is 25. He’s an insurance agent and whether he was indeed the youngest State Farm agent in the U.S. or not, he is clearly serious about his job and responsible enough to transfer his business to California — for whatever reason.

If he were just moving for “The Bachelor” or some other chick he met out there, he wouldn’t need to transfer his business. He could just show up and say “cast me for modeling jobs” or whatnot. But he’s serious and ambitious within his new field. (Now that baseball is no longer an option.)

Chris, on the other hand, is 33 — 8 years older than Ali. (In the family meeting someone gasps at that — maybe the sister.) And yet he told Ali he just recently competed in a flip cup tournament in Vegas. He’s a fun-loving guy and it’s possible that HE’S the charmer who is not ready to settle down quite yet.

Ali "loved" seeing Roberto with her family, because he fit right in and was less shy than she's ever seen him. He can't be THAT shy if he's an insurance salesman, right?

It looks like, in the videos, Dad seems to be on Team Roberto, and sister and brother and Mom seem to make a case for the slow-burn of Team Chris.

Although, is Chris really moving slowly? His relationship with Ali has developed slowly over the course of the show, but Chris has been laying it on thick with the “God I love you” stuff. He seems to be moving faster than Ali … except when she’s drunk and slobbers on him on a boat.

So if Mom is on Team Chris (and why would she be asking about a photo of him, if not) will that persuade Ali to pick him? Ali does seem much closer to her mom than her dad.

Then again, I can see all moms being charmed by Chris, especially when he talks about his family and how his mom was a nurse — like Ali’s mom — and that he was a teacher — like Ali’s sister and dad. But it’s ultimately Ali’s decision and I can’t see her ignoring the connection she’s had with Roberto from the very first night.

I wonder if these clips are being edited to promote Roberto. Ali talks about how Roberto makes her feel “cute” and “like a woman” (eye roll) and their connection keeps growing and growing, whereas Chris is the guy who makes her laugh so hard and she’s “comfortable” with him.

We’re at the point where I could see this going in any direction EXCEPT Ali picking no one. So if that does happen, as Reality Steve has said, something major must happen.

Earlier in the season I thought we were being set up for a no-pick ending, but not now. Not with Ali seeming to be completely over the Frank drama. I thought it would hit her harder, but everything she’s said on and off the show leads me to believe she doesn’t give a rat’s arse about him anymore.

I think she dumps Chris before the final rose ceremony (just as the preview makes it look like she does, although the rest of the video is baloney) and gets engaged to Roberto. That’s what I want to happen, anyway. And a pre-FRC dumping would be something that’s never been done before and could arguably be construed as breaking “the rules.”


For all kinds of “Bachelorette” news, spoilers, recaps, top 10 lists, fashion face-offs and various general “stuff” visit

Hints that Ali is Single

Hints that Ali Picks Chris Lambton

Hints that Ali Picks Roberto Martinez

Hints that Ali is Engaged to… Someone

Catch up on my own nifty Bachelor/Bachelorette archive here. I’ve been updating this frequently in the last few days, so do a lot of scrolling to get it all! :)

I'm still rooting for Dimples.

It’s exhausting trying to keep track of what’s out there. So I compiled a list of spoilers, speculation and rumors about what Ali Fedotowsky will do in “The Bachelorette” season 6 finale on Monday. There will probably be 100 more “hints” by the end of the weekend, but here’s what I have so far:

Hints that Ali is Single

Hints that Ali Picks Chris Lambton

Hints that Ali Picks Roberto Martinez

Hints that Ali is Engaged to… Someone


For all kinds of “Bachelorette” news, spoilers, recaps, top 10 lists, fashion face-offs and various general “stuff” visit

Catch up on my own nifty  Bachelor/Bachelorette archive here. I’ve been updating this frequently in the last few days, so do a lot of scrolling to get it all! :)

Even if Ali somehow walks away single, she'll still walk away with an amazing new wardrobe. She gets to keep the clothes she wears on the show, you know.

By Gina Carbone

And I don’t mean in terms of the Justin/Frank drama or Kasey and his tattoo.

I mean us.

Right here and now with our spoilers and sleuthing and general mayhem — even though most of the people running around like proverbial headless chickens have already read the spoiler that Ali picks no one and walks away single.

If we already “know” that from the one guy who started the Bachelor/Bachelorette spoiler phenomenon, what are we doing?

I can only guess that we’re going crazy trying to grasp at some other answer because Mike Fleiss and Chris Harrison are wrong: We’re not here for the drama, we’re here for the cheesy love story.

This season is the reality TV version of “Twilight”: Jacob vs. Edward. Roberto vs. Chris. Except I think this time Chris is Jacob, the jokester pal type.

Anyway, if you think about it, we’ve haven’t had a finale with two people worth fighting for in a while. Tenley & Vienna? Kiptyn & Ed? Melissa & Molly? (OK, that one wasn’t too easy a choice) Jason & Jesse? And they ALWAYS seem to make the wrong choice.

With Chris and Roberto, there is no wrong choice. Unless Ali picks no one, which is the main spoiler, which brings us back to the beginning.

I actually feel kinda bad for the non-spoiler fans on the Bachelorette Fansite Facebook page. There used to be a time when we were all just “fans” of the show. Now there are spoiler-philes and spoiler-phobes.

I happen to love spoilers and now seek them out for other shows too, like “Project Runway” and “Survivor.” It’s amazing how much more satisfying a show is, to me, when you can see it through from the end result back. You notice things maybe you wouldn’t if you hadn’t been tipped to the ending.

But I completely understand when people don’t want to be spoiled. This blog is obviously a spoiler site. I haven’t shouted it from the rooftops, but I’m all over spoilers. But sometimes people will write on the Facebook page that they just want to watch the show and not be spoiled. I get it! But some fans are not nice and will comment with all the spoilers they’ve read. Why would you do that?

I hate divisions in our little Bachelor and Bachelorette family! But that’s what’s become of us after Jason/Molly/Melissa/Reality Steve.

That insane season introduced “The Bachelorette” to screaming tabloid headlines and a ratings bonanza. Since drama seemed to fuel ratings, the producers just kept amping it up.

Jillian had a bunch of crazy guys with foot fetishes and “man code” fights and ultimately a guy who left her for work, then came back, and another guy who was dumped but came back. And who can forget the country singer who supposedly had a girlfriend back home, brought to light by another booted contestant. Ultimately she picked the guy with two girlfriends back home in Chicago. (Sounds kinda familiar.)

Then we had the season where the megabitch from hell was outed as the early frontrunner to win. That’s when the spoilers really came to life because who on earth could believe that it would be true that Jake would voluntarily choose Vienna over Tenley? This is when the tabloid stuff became daily online. It got out of control and we all fed into it. The most gorgeous girl on the show was accused of entering into an “inappropriate relationship” (whatever that means) with one of the producers and was called out by Chris Harrison, for some reason, even though Ali has had to do all the dirty work herself this season. Then Ali left Jake for work, tried to come back and was refused.

So now they have to up the ante. One guy with a girlfriend? Try two guys with a combined total of three girlfriends! Weatherman vs. The Hair. The crazy guy sings, gets a tattoo and turns “guard and protect your heart” into a stalker motto. The Bachelorette herself is put through the wringer and we’ve been “spoiled” with the idea that she has been so hurt by her defecting bachelors that she chooses neither of her wonderful final options.

Or do they refuse her? Or does she really get engaged? So many counter-spoilers have been released that fans sick with cynicism-fatigue are grasping at them like love life rafts.

Meanwhile, the tabloids have gone into overdrive. Ali is a superstah! She’s on every tab cover and she’s got a story on the front pages of every major entertainment outlet online. Fans are analyzing her every word and tracking the every move of her final two guys. Someone is even supposedly trying to sell her diary. The guys who spurned her, Justin and Frank, have been vilified, even though they are just real people. Their names will now be connected to this drama forever. (The Internet never forgets. )

This never happened to Trista and Ryan, which is probably why there is a Trista and Ryan.

Has it gone too far? Is there even a chance that people can still find a connection on this show, now that wading through tabloid trashing, online rumors, cheating accusations, magazine covers, hair/fashion/makeup/weight insults and the 24-hour news cycle have all become mainstays of the show?

The post-show drama seems like a much bigger hurdle than trying to find a spark with someone after two months of off-and-on dating in a controlled setting.

I’ll say this: Jason and Molly must really, really, really love each other if they went through that mess and came out the other side as a married couple. Trista and Ryan never had to deal with any of that.

If Ali and her Chosen One do find each other, I hope they are secure enough to get through this. Get through it and then hide from us.  Because we’re a crazy bunch.


Now that I’ve had my existential crisis … I’m back in the mix! Because this is fun, dang it! And we still have a weekend of spoiling and sleuthing to get through before the finale. For all kinds of “Bachelorette” news, spoilers, recaps, top 10 lists, fashion face-offs and various general “stuff” visit

Catch up on my own nifty spoiler-and-speculation-filled Bachelor/Bachelorette archive here. I’ve been updating this frequently in the last few days, so do a lot of scrolling to get it all! :)

Maybe he's just going to call her to discuss charity-related things. Or business proposals. Right? Right? RIGHT?

By Gina Carbone

Someone put a leash on Ali. Doesn’t she know that going to charity events to meet guys has been done … by Vienna? Within the last few months?

I don’t like this Star magazine story. It doesn’t mean anything, but it does show Ali posing with Arizona Cardinals hottie Matt Leinart and we know Ali loves her jocks. Still, I choose to believe this is an innocent meeting. He’s been tainted by too many skanks.


To quote Star:

If Ali Fedotowsky found her future hubby on The Bachelorette, then why did she give her phone number to hunky playboy pro quarterback Matt Leinart?

In the Aug. 9 issue of Star — on sale now — we report that, when Ali and Matt met on July 15 at a charity event, sparks flew — especially after they had time to talk by themselves. By the end of the night, the jock scored Ali’s digits.

“Matt finally asked for Ali’s phone number and she happily gave it to him,” an eyewitness tells Star. “He promised that he’d call her; she must be over the moon about catching the eye of such a hot guy!”

It’s long been the buzz that Ali chooses insurance salesman Roberto Martinez on next week’s series finale of the ABC reality show. However, it’s also rumored that the couple don’t make a go of their love match.


She’s caught the eye of plenty of hot guys. And if she did pick Roberto and they did break up, is he just moving to California for the fun and sun? More hot chicks to flirt with? I need a resolution to that State Farm move.


For all kinds of “Bachelorette” news, spoilers, recaps, top 10 lists, fashion face-offs and various general “stuff” visit

Catch up on my own nifty spoiler-and-speculation-filled Bachelor/Bachelorette archive here. I’ve been updating this frequently in the last few days, so do a lot of scrolling to get it all! :)

Maybe they can try again?

By Gina Carbone

I’ve always loved British “Bachelor” Matt Grant, but never more than when I heard him say this on “The Bachelor: Then & Now”:

Matt: “Did I find true love on the show? Um, no. Not one little bit. I proposed to a woman who was about a foot and a half shorter than me, who had nothing in common with me and thought there were palm trees in London. Did I make a mistake? Yes. Did I look like an idiot? Yes. Do I regret it? A little bit.”

Ha! Eat that, Monkey!

I can’t decide between irreverent Matt or sweet and lovable Andy Baldwin, who sponsors a child in Africa and says the people he helps don’t care that he was “The Bachelor,” they care that he’s a doctor. Even creepy Mike Fleiss (nice makeover!) loves Andy Baldwin.

It’s always the same story, isn’t it: The sexy guy vs. the stable guy. Matt vs. Andy. Roberto vs. Chris.

I wrote a detailed season-by-season recap of “The Bachelor: Then & Now” — which is going to play 100 more times on E!, in case you missed it — and you should be able to find the recap here at

Even though there was a lot of overlap with Monday’s “The Stories Behind the Rose” (which was itself a remake of the March special of the same name), I liked this one more. Reality Steve was there, but he didn’t say anything incendiary. It was just a good refresher on the last 14 seasons.

I missed a good portion of the Charlie O’Connell season and I didn’t realize he dated the final two girls off camera while the show was airing and made his decision to pick Sarah (over Krisily) on live TV. Wouldn’t that be a good thing to bring back, to avoid spoilers? I guess if Ali does pick her guy during “The After the Final Rose,” it wouldn’t be too much of a surprise since it’s been done before.

By the way, did you see that the new Bachelor will NOT be named on Monday’s ATFR? That’s what it says here, anyway.


For all kinds of “Bachelorette” news, spoilers, recaps, top 10 lists, fashion face-offs and various general “stuff” visit

Catch up on my own nifty spoiler-and-speculation-filled Bachelor/Bachelorette archive here. I’ve been updating this frequently in the last few days, so do a lot of scrolling to get it all! :)

How did she break the rules? By dumping Chris before the final rose ceremony and proposing to Roberto herself?

By Gina Carbone

So never mind that stupid idea that “Bachelorette” Ali Fedotowsky is rejected by both Chris Lambton and Roberto Martinez.

She hurts someone!

I suppose it’s about time, since everyone else on her season went about it the other way around.

No news from People on a proposal, ala Us Weekly’s cover, but this suggests she dumps at least one guy, if not both.

I just watched some E! and in their quick “cover wars” segment they said that Ali told People what happened in the finale was not scripted. They also quoted Ali telling People that her finale decision was the “easiest” decision she’s ever made.

That sounds like a Roberto win to me! She’s loved him from day 1 and I really think she meant for Chris to go home in Tahiti. Frank ruined that so now she has to hurt him in a way she never intended. That’s my new theory. Or she could pick no one. It’s always an option.


Here’s a blurb from People magazine’s August 9th issue, via Celebrity Chatta, which is a godsend of a site:

With the season finale of The Bachelorette set to air Aug. 2, millions of viewers are wondering if Ali Fedotowsky picked down-to-earth landscaper Chris Lambton, 33, or sexy insurance salesman Roberto Martinez, 26.

Or — as many rumors have suggested — does she walk away solo?

“I was trying to be smart and fall in love with my heart — but use my head too,” she tells PEOPLE in this week’s cover story of her Bachelorette experience.

“Sometimes the right thing is the hardest thing to do, and it’s definitely hard to hurt somebody,” she adds without revealing her final decision. “No matter what happens in the end, I hurt somebody.”


For all kinds of “Bachelorette” news, spoilers, recaps, top 10 lists, fashion face-offs and various general “stuff” visit

Catch up on my own nifty spoiler-and-speculation-filled Bachelor/Bachelorette archive here. I’ve been updating this frequently in the last few days, so do a lot of scrolling to get it all! :)

I shall remain Team Dimples to the end.

By Gina Carbone

OK, so now we’re back to Reality Steve vs. Us Weekly.

According to Us, via Hollywood Life, Chris Lambton or Roberto Martinez proposed to season 6 “Bachelorette” Ali Fedotowsky on the morning of May 8 at Bora Bora Nui Resort & Spa. She supposedly said yes.

But then the story says Ali and her Chosen One hugged and kissed as the sun set. How freaking long was the proposal that it took from morning until sunset?

I’ll post the story below, but if this is true there’s nothing “shocking” or “surprising” about the ending. The official ABC press release and Chris Harrison are insisting big surprises are around every corner for the finale. At this point I trust Chris H. about as much as Us Weekly, which is as far as I can throw him.

Could it be that the big surprise is just that Ali lets Chris L. go before the final rose ceremony? That doesn’t quite jive with this statement from Chris H.:

Rumor has it this finale differs for from every previous season. Is that true?
Chris Harrison: It is. It’s true from the last chance dates. And from those on into “proposal day,” at the end. Everything is different than what our fans have seen in years past.

That suggests even the proposal will be unusual. Will Ali propose to Roberto? Why not? She practically eats him with her eyes. Or will she (no no no no no) propose to Chris L.? Is that why Ali’s mom wants this photo of Chris? Who knows.


Anyway, here’s the story:

Though we have yet to learn the name of Ali Fedotowsky’s fiance, Us Weekly reports she definitely got engaged on The Bachelorette to either Chris Lambton or Roberto Martinez! On the morning of May 8 at Bora Bora Nui Resort & Spa, one of the two men got down on one knee and proposed to Ali with a Neil Lane engagement ring. (Two sources confirm that Roberto has filed to get a license in Ali’s home state of California.)

Ali accepted the ring without hesitation. “They hugged and kissed [for 30 seconds] as the sun set,” confirms a source. “They looked so happy!”

After the ceremony, the couple was escorted separately to Ali’s $1,000 per night suite. Ali arrived first, and her man was brought up 15 minutes later. They remained in the suite for the whole night, while the production crew and the runner up celebrated the end of the filming at a wrap party held at Iraitai.

Now, Ali has to plan for the big day. For her dress, Ali may be considering a gown made by one of her two favorite designers: Vera Wang or Monique Lhuillier, says a source. “I think she’d want strapless because she likes to show off her arms and her shoulder,” adds the source. “I see Ali in something classic. She doesn’t have wild tastes.”

And for music, Ali “loves ’80s music,” says the source. “I could see her hiring a DJ or an ’80s cover band. The biggest thing she’d want is just a fun party where all her friends can dance and have a great time.”

Ali might also be blessed by a special wedding song. Crazy Kasey Kahl says that he would like to sing to her at the ceremony. Unfortunately, Ali put his idea to rest: “Kasey can come, but I don’t if I would let him sing.” Good idea Ali!


I think that’s baloney. I know. I’ll believe that she makes her real final choice during the “After the Final Rose” but I won’t believe this? I think I’m just questioning it because it’s from Us Weekly and I’m tired of their “sources.”


For all kinds of “Bachelorette” news, spoilers, recaps, top 10 lists, fashion face-offs and various general “stuff” visit

Catch up on my own nifty spoiler-and-speculation-filled Bachelor/Bachelorette archive here. I’ve been updating this pretty frequently in the last few days, so do a lot of scrolling to get it all! :)

For the record, I like Ali. She's taken a lot of heat for her drinking, her laughing, her bad hair, her insecurities. But I do like her. She's no Meredith (still love ya, Meredi!) but she's also no Diva DeAnna or Ditzy Jillian.

By Gina Carbone

How do we feel about Chris Harrison?

I used to love him. Platonically, of course. He was “beloved Chris.” But now he is tainted. I look at him and see producer Mike Fleiss and his team of sleazy editors with their filthy talons molding a quest for love into “the process.” And it makes me sad.

Having said that, I am still interested in what Chris H. has to say. Today I found him speaking to E! about the “surprise” ending that has me very nervous.

(Did you see the finale preview where it looks like Ali is rejected by both Chris L. and Roberto? Bull!)


Here is a portion of Chris’ interview with E!:

Rumor has it this finale differs for from every previous season. Is that true?
Chris Harrison: It is. It’s true from the last chance dates. And from those on into “proposal day,” at the end. Everything is different than what our fans have seen in years past.

Do you think people are going to be surprised by the ending? And is it a good ending?
C.H.: People will be surprised. Whether it’s good or not, Ali’s happy with it and she’s sticking by it. It’ll be interesting. I really just want to sit back and watch the fan reactions, what the comments are and how they feel it all played out.

Do you believe Ali is still happy with the decision she made?
C.H.: I do. The past two weekends in a row I’ve gotten to see her. And I actually finally got to sit down and talk to her for the first time alone since we were in Bora Bora [shooting the finale]. And she’s good, she’s really happy. She looked like the old Ali. I think so much [of this process] got to her. We joke that she’s an overanalyzer. She contemplates everything, and overthinks things and sometimes is afraid to just let things happen. So she looked healthier, she looked happy. She had a smile on her face and a bounce in her step again. The season took a lot out of her. It was a rough road, but she’s good. She’s very happy and content with what she did.


From even before the season started, both Chris and Ali have been describing the ending with limp adjectives  like “satisfied” and “content” and “happy,” but only “happy” in the context of the decisions she made, not happy because she’s in love and engaged.

(Usually they tell us by now if they are in love and engaged. Does anyone remember how Brad Womack worded the ending at this point?)

So are we back to Ali picking no one and deciding it was the right call? Chris says she’s like “the old Ali” now that it’s over, so maybe this was all a negative experience for her? (Except for the parts where she gets a free wardrobe, is paid to shop and may do “Dancing with the Stars.”)

I’m still holding out hope for a “Fleissing,” whether it be from Ali choosing a guy at the After the Final Rose or just a straight-up proposal from Roberto Martinez.

It does sort of look like Ali dumps Chris Lambton before the final rose ceremony but does that mean there is no final rose ceremony? Does Ali need time to think things over? Is that why she’s waiting until the ATFR, if that’s really happening at all? Have I spent wayyyyyy too much time analyzing this when I know full well I’m probably wrong? (Yep.)


For all kinds of “Bachelorette” news, spoilers, recaps, top 10 lists, fashion face-offs and various general “stuff” visit

Catch up on my own nifty spoiler-and-speculation-filled Bachelor/Bachelorette archive here. I’ve been updating this pretty frequently in the last few days, so do a lot of scrolling to get it all! :)

No wonder we haven't seen Roberto or Chris with Ali in the final rose ceremony previews.

By Gina Carbone

Now we’re talking.

I tell you. Spend two minutes on the FORT spoiler threads and you’ll either go blind or crazy with wild ideas.

I’ve decided to go crazy.

My latest inclination — of many — is that creepy producer Mike Fleiss asked our Bachelorette Ali Fedotowsky to leave Bora Bora a single woman, choosing no one in the final rose ceremony, or just not having an official FRC.

This would mean Reality Steve’s spoilers are correct, but only to a point. Like a six-digit phone number.

Then the idea is that Ali names her choice at the “After the Final Rose” special, which Steve admits he doesn’t have any intel on at this point. (He just says Frank is being a diva and doesn’t want to do it.)

The final two, Roberto Martinez and Chris Lambton, already know her choice and Ali and her F1 have been in contact at the safe house or wherever. They may even have filmed some secret scenes — the alternate ending — in Bora Bora.

At any rate, it would be one way to save some kind of “surprise” for the viewers. So Steve can crow about her “single” status and claim he was right while actually being “Fleissed” about the actual outcome.

Again, just a theory. I know Steve turns his nose up at rumors and speculation, but I say keep ’em coming! Especially when they support the idea of Ali being engaged to Roberto and living with him somewhere around Irvine, California where he’ll work for State Farm and she’ll do the short commute to L.A. for “Dancing with the Stars.”

Who doesn’t want that kind of fairy tale ending?


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