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These photos are rubbish, but they're the best I could do. By the way, I'm thisclose to a Derek Hough obsession. Derek's head is right behind Kiptyn.

By Gina Carbone

Everyone (OK, not everyone, just us “Bachelor” nerds) has been mentioning that Kiptyn Locke was spotted in the “Dancing with the Stars” audience last night. He was right in front of the “Celebriquarium” and I’m pretty sure Chad Ochocinco slapped him five on the way in after one of the dances.

I just noticed this pic of Kiptyn and Vienna from Week 2 of DWTS. Funny.

As Kiptyn tweeted on Monday, “Just arrived in LA. Excited to attend Dancing With The Stars tonight.” And earlier today, “Great to see you! And what a show. Hope the red-eye flight home was ok. RT @Kiptyn and I had a blast at Dancing With The Stars last night!”

Jake Pavelka, who was also not chosen by Jillian Harris on “The Bachelorette,” danced on this season of DWTS with Chelsie Hightower, who may have a crush on Kiptyn. But the woman sitting next to Kip was not Chelsie.

*Update* Thanks to an e-mail from Penelope Jean, we can reveal the woman to Kiptyn’s right is … Penelope Jean! She’s a CEO / Celebrity Publicist & Booking Agent. She’s also the person Kip was tweeting, above. Check out her Web site.

She represents almost everyone in the Bachelor/Bachelorette universe, plus — randomly! — Coach Ben Wade from “Survivor.” Can The Dragon Slayer be the next “Bachelor”? If Jerri Manthey turns him down, that is.

But who cares about Kiptyn in the DWTS audience when we have yet to see Reid Rosenthal on the show!

Trista Sutter was on the first season of DWTS (and was the first to be eliminated — oops!). “The Bachelor” reject Melissa Rycroft made it to the top 3 on Season 8.

Here's Penelope Jean. Wonder if she represents Reid, too. Reid needs to get out there more.

Vienna Girardi was in the audience every week while Jake danced, occasionally with her “Bachelor” BFF, Miss Gia Allemand.

I’m not sure what Kip was doing in the audience last night unless he has his own ABC show to pimp (will he be on “The Bachelor Pad”?), but I want Reid to show up.

There doesn’t need to be an official reason. I don’t care that Reid lives in Philadelphia and the show shoots in L.A. Throw us a bone! He declined the offer to be the next “Bachelor” but he hasn’t finished paying his dues to the obsessed stalkers fans who helped him meet Miss USA Kristen Dalton.

For all of my (and other people’s) DWTS stuff — including this Maks vs. Derek poll where you should choose Derek or I’ll stop being your friend — visit

“The Bachelorette” site is not quite up yet, but you can visit for spoilers and stuff until it gets going. Any day now, I think…

It was that O face. It swallowed up all the votes just when we were trying to vote for you.

By Gina Carbone

That guy from “The Bachelor” was denied a final rose from the judges + viewers tonight, making him the fifth person removed from “Dancing with the Stars” Season 10.

Jakey-poo gave his A game O face during his trippy Samba last night. He dressed his partner Chelsie Hightower like an ugly jungle tranny and he (once again) tripped by the stairs. Also, Vienna Girardi gave classic bitch face from the audience. All in all, not his best night.

For all things DWTS, click here on

For all things Bachelor, including The Bachelorette, click here at A separate Bachelorette site is coming soon.

See ya, Jake! You’ll have to find Vienna a new way of getting camera time. You know that’s why Jake’s “beautiful fiancee” looked extra pissed tonight. Not because Jake told Chelsie “I love you.”

Don't let JT win again. Russell the Evil Oompa Loompa may be the villain of the Villains, but JT is the villain of the Heroes.

By Gina Carbone

It’s never too early to make a finale prediction. Never.

I routinely make predictions on who will or should win a reality show before it has even begun.

I picked “The Toothless Texan” as my favorite “Survivor: Samoa” contestant just based on the photos and bios released before the first episode.

I was close.

And now I want Russell Hantz GONE from “Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains.” My tribe of one has spoken!

It’s tough to make a decent call on  a show that just started, like “Dancing with the Stars.”

(SIDENOTE: Read a ton of my DWTS stuff at this fun site. I write just about DWTS there. I’ll be working on a separate site for “The Bachelorette” soon. Huzzah!)

And it’s even tougher for me to make a call on a show like “America’s Next Top Model,” when I forgot to watch for the past two weeks.

(I get busy, you know. Sort of…)

But hell with it. I’m jumping in anyway.

Here are my predictions. Click on the title of each show for an archive of recaps/other stories.



Nicole & Derek rule. And not necessarily in that order.

Erin & Maks are flirty tabloid darlings. And they're hot. And they're decent dancers. They could win.

WHO SHOULD WIN: I can already hear people giving Nicole Scherzinger the Mya treatment — “She’s too much of a pro!” “She has too much experience!” “She has an unfair advantage!” Stuff it. Booty shaking on stage and in music videos is not the same as dancing an elegant foxtrot or a funky new jive. If anything, the Pussycat’s “unfair advantage” is having such an innovative choreographer for a partner. That’d be Derek Hough. They are exciting to watch, although they should pace themselves. The public loves a “transformation” and if she’s already so strong there’s nothing to work toward.

WHO WILL WIN: Erin Andrews. Yes, there’s the sympathy vote for the peeping tom thing and now the death threats. Plus, she and Maks have that adorable chemistry. She’s pretty. She’s funny. She’s a good, if not great, dancer and she will probably just get better. Just don’t let Evan Lysacek win. I have nothing against him personally, but I am SO SICK OF THE DAMN OLYMPIANS taking all the mirror balls. Go shine your medals and leave this one to the real amateurs.



WHO SHOULD WIN: Speaking of America loves a transformation, here’s hoping Colby Donaldson continues his “Redemption, baby!” streak with the Heroes. If Superman gets out of that girdle and starts winning individual immunity after the merge, he could draw new followers and make it to the end. I’d love to see Colby and Jerri finale. Hey, I can dream, can’t I?

I demand a Colby/Jerri reunion. Please?

Jerri, you know you want to go all the way with Colby.

WHO WILL WIN: I seriously don’t think it will be Evil Russell. His game, once again, is too big. Boston Rob was right — there’s cocky and there’s arrogant and Russell is straight-up arrogant. Instead, I think one of the women will win again. Possibly Amanda Kimmel, if the Heroes pull a Foa Foa from “Samoa” and break apart the now rudderless and Rob-less Villains. Amanda has connections on both Heroes and Villains camps and she’s never won before. She’s come close enough that she’s a threat, but not as much of a threat as people who’ve won before.



WHO SHOULD WIN: Look, I just started watching this show so I have no idea what I’m talking about. Having said that, I never do. Having said that, cowboys Jet & Cord should win. They are entertaining. However, since that is unlikely, I pick father/daughter pair Steve & Allie as a second choice. I love their relationship.

WHO WILL WIN: Either Steve & Allie or the detectives, Louie & Michael. Good news: Both teams are cool. As long as obnoxious Brent & Caite and whiny Carol & Brandy don’t win, all is good.

*Update*: Steve & Allie were eliminated within an hour of me posting this. Did I curse them? Oops. Bye guys!



Is Seth Aaron on the accessory wall? Should we use him thoughtfully?

WHO SHOULD WIN: Seth Aaron Henderson. He’s an upgrade from season three winner Jeffrey Sebelia. He’s edgy, exciting, meticulous at tailoring and consistent. His stuff is fun and different while always saying “Seth Aaron.” Now that Maya Luz is out of the picture his path is even more open.

WHO WILL WIN: Seth Aaron … or Jay Nicolas Sario. PLEASE don’t let it be Jay. His stuff is hit-or-miss with an emphasis on miss.



WHO SHOULD WIN: I haven’t seen this show since the first episode when I said I wanted Ren Vokes to win. Well, she’s gone. So is Simone Lewis, another one of my early faves. So I am going with either Raina Hein or Krista White.

Alasia vamps it up.

WHO WILL WIN: Considering how many people LOVE Alasia Ballard, I have to imagine she’s the frontrunner. She did not give a good showing on the first episode, but apparently while I was away, she rallied. Her vampire photo won on “America’s Next Top Vampire” which I REALLY wish I had seen. I’m a serious fangbanger. She also won the previous challenge. So I believe the producers are in Alasia’s corner as well.



WHO SHOULD WIN: Alex Lambert. I’m still bitter that he was not allowed to return. Now that he’s gone, I don’t really care too much. Didi is gone, too. So I guess it’s Siobhan Magnus for me. Adam Lambert lite.

Yeah, she's good. But if she has no real competition, where's the drama?

WHO WILL WIN: Crystal Bowersox. She is the only “star” of the season. Then again, we saw how the “star” situation worked last season. Will people learn? Or will — ha ha — Tim Urban win “American Idol” season 9? I’d die laughing. Tee hee.

I told you they would be good! And, no, I'm not talking about Brooke's in-your-face cha-chas. Put them to bed now, girl.

By Gina Carbone

Much hullabaloo has been made — 90 percent from Kate Gosselin — about how Kate Gosselin is a mom.

She even dedicated her Viennese waltz on the premiere of “Dancing with the Stars” season 10 to all the moms out there.

Does that include Pamela Anderson and Niecy Nash?

They’re both moms and her fellow DWTS competitors. They don’t have eight kids, but they also didn’t have reality shows around them as they raised their kids.

They also did a better job handling the nerves and moves required for the show, especially Pam — the Internet’s most downloaded woman — whose sex kitten cha-cha-cha prompted another classic outburst from effusive Italian judge Bruno Tonioli:

Bruno: “I can only think of sex, sex and more sex. The dirtier the better. Stripperella is back home! Do it to me, girl!”

Even usually professional host Tom Bergeron admitted he felt like a 12-year-old around Pam and swooned at her.

Overall the crop of 11 “Stars” were pretty darn talented — for the first episode, anyway.

The least entertaining contestant was probably Kate Gosselin — who didn’t look like she was enjoying herself before, during or after her dance — although she got higher scores than both Buzz Aldrin and Aiden Turner.

Still, Buzz is cuter than a button and Aiden is hotter than heeelllll yeah. They were fun to watch, which is a huge part of the show.

Self-congratulation alert: If I can play Emperor again, everything is turning out exactly as I have foreseen: Nicole Scherzinger and Derek Hough are far and away the best already. Just like I predicted.

The Pussycat Doll even got two “9s” — from Carrie Ann Inaba and Bruno — while Len Goodman continued being Grumy Old Len.

As Carrie Ann described Nicole’s Viennese waltz: “Apparently the bar has just been set for season 10. It was beautiful. It was emotional. … You had all the light and shade. … I haven’t seen a routine out of the gate like that ever.”

I feel like this is Mya all over again. People are going to whine that she has too much previous dancing experience, while letting Evan Lysacek swirl around in stiff, boring performances to high marks. Ignoring that he basically jumps and dances on ice.

(I don’t care if I sound harsh. Evan is already overrated. I always hate the Olympians!)

I feel like Erin Andrews is the dark horse right now. She’s good and the judges aren’t really giving her enough credit yet.

Jake Pavelka got decent scores and although Len wasn’t pleased with what his “bum” was doing — and Carrie Ann and Bruno fought over whether he was “rough” or not — he presented a pretty unremarkable Viennese waltz. Not bad. Not great.

By the way, Jillian Harris and Ed Swiderski of “The Bachelorette” were in the audience, along with Gia Allemand and Jake’s fiancee, Vienna Girardi, of “The Bachelor.”

Tim Allen — Buzz Lightyear in “Toy Story” — was also in the audience, clapping for Buzz Aldrin.

Brooke Burke (another hot mama) looked classy, even with her cha-chas out, in her new role as co-host, but seemed a bit nervous. She’ll get better.

(Samantha Harris set a low bar. Sorry. It’s true.)

For some odd reason we have to now deal with something called a “Celebriquarium.” Why they can’t just go backstage again is beyond me. This adds nothing to the show.

Anyway, here are the rankings after the premiere:

Nicole Scherzinger & Derek Hough — 25

Evan Lysacek & Anna Trebunskaya
— 23

Pamela Anderson & Damian Whitewood — 21

Erin Andrews & Maksim Chmerkovskiy — 21

Jake Pavelka & Chelsie Hightower — 20

Shannen Doherty & Mark Ballas — 18

Niecy Nash & Louis van Amstel — 18

Chad Ochocinco & Cheryl Burke — 18

Kate Gosselin & Tony Dovolani — 16

Aiden Turner & Edyta Śliwińska — 15

Buzz Aldrin & Ashly DelGrosso-Costa — 14

No one is going home tomorrow because there is no show tomorrow. We return next week and then someone is chucked out next Tuesday.

I want Aiden Turner to stick around. He’s my eye candy. So vote for him, please? And vote for Buzz. Just don’t vote for Kate Gosselin. Why would you?


1. Chad Ochocinco & Cheryl Burke, cha-cha-cha (Scores: 6, 6, 6 = 18/30)

He’ll trash talk after getting comfortable. It’s not a good thing, man, don’t feel the need to work up to it.

Is he a Chapstick spokesman or something, with his “softest lips in the world”?

Cheryl Burke is a tough cookie, so he’d better prepare himself.

But he WANTS her to insult him and say “You suck, do it again.”

The bottom part of her dress is not exactly a win.

I love how Bruno is already standing up to watch what they do.

The cha-cha is so much more fun than the waltz, so they are in luck already.

They look good! Very comfortable. I forgot this was the premiere instead of week three or four. That looked as good as some mid-season dances I’ve seen from some others.

Having said that, he needs to move more, not just spin her around.

Len Goodman: Chad, I take my hat off to you. You came out like a tiger. This dance needs attack, you came out and attacked it. You are a rough diamond right now. (Improve your posture.)

Bruno Tonioli: I can really see you have a huge, huge, huge talent. … You have natural ability for music. (He just has to be sharper.)

Carrie Ann Inaba: You’ve got a little somethin’ somethin’ going on there. … You have to hit it a little harder. (He needs to extend more, but he has something “primal” going on.)

Brooke Burke interviewed the couple in the “Celebriquarium.” Why does this exist?




2. Shannen Doherty & Mark Ballas, Viennese waltz (Scores: 6, 6, 6 = 18/30)

She’s doing this for her dad, who had a massive stroke. He loves the show and he asked her to do it and she can’t say no to her dad. Aww!

Mark Ballas wants to go from prince to king.

She’s “frozen in fear” about performing live. She gets hives.

Nice gloves, Mark. Very soft, subtle music.

She seems stiff and her face does look petrified. He’s smiling enough for both of them. They don’t have any chemistry, but I’m just glad she got through it OK. She made me nervous for her.

I hope her dad appreciated that!

Bruno: What a difficult piece of choreography for show one. … It didn’t flow, you were swinging your arms around like a primate. … But you will get better.

Carrie Ann: I’m really, really impressed because I know you have the nerves and the hives and to get out there and do such an ambitious routine. (She started out rough but as the routine progressed she opened up.) I see something. It’s coming.

Len: The key to the Viennese waltz is ease and elegance and I think you portrayed ease an elegance throughout.

In the Celebriquarium, Brooke talked to Shannen about her emotions. She was crying because the first face she saw was her father’s in the audience. Aww! She’s definitely not coming off as a diva.




3. Erin Andrews & Maksim Chmerkovskiy, cha-cha-cha (Scores: 7, 7, 7 = 21/30)

Maks got huge cheers from the audience. The girls are out for him!

Maks told Erin all the stars ask for him and then regret it. She told him she didn’t ask for him — she asked for Tony Dovolani! (I’d ask for The Teeth, too. He’s a diamond!)

I thought Erin and Maks did a helluva lot better than Evan and Anna, but they got a lower score. THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS!

Erin’s a perfectionist and she stops herself before she can make a mistake.

That ticks Maks off.

Maks: “It’s my only pleasure in life to bitch at people and you take it away!”

She has legs that go on forever. Too bad that weird yellow feathery skirt is hiding them.

Why are you playing a Ke$ha song? HATE.

At least she’s remembering to smile. She looks comfortable out there. Nice chemistry.

She should break the “6” score streak.

He’s making her do a lot, which is refreshing. I hate when the star just circles the pro.

She’s good!

Carrie Ann: Erin, what a nice surprise. … You have good movement. You have a nice connection. (She needs to work on her lines.) That was nice and sexy and good.

Len: Well, Erin, a funky monkey… Great hip movement. Full of rhythm. (She needs to work on her legs.)

Bruno: You are bringing zest and vitality to the competition. I like what I see. … As a debut, wonderful.




4. Jake Pavelka & Chelsie Hightower, Viennese waltz (Scores: 7, 6, 7 = 20/30)

Chelsie, will you accept this dip? And this dance move? Kidding.

It looks like one of the classic “Bachelor” dates when Chelsie meets Jake in front of a plane. He’s got a rose in his hand.

Chelsie told the camera Jake is going to get a lot of lady votes because he’s “hot.”

He asks if she’ll accept this rose. She says yes, but “you know we’re not going to get married in the end?”

Jake: “We’re not even dating.”

Well, phew! Glad we got that out of the way.

On the dance floor he has a rose in his hand again.

The music is very soft. Is there an audio issue?

That was pretty good.

Len: Jake, I thought you moved very well. … If you’re going to be in hold, you’ve got to get your posture up. Stop sticking your bum out. … Overall I thought you did a good job, you’ve got great potential.

Bruno: Don’t batter about all the time. It’s the waltz, come down. (What’s he going to do in the rumba, kill her? Eat her?) Keep your legs together. You look like you’re on a horse.

(But is he backwards on a horse, smelling like a lady?)

Carrie Ann: Jake, you know, I was really impressed. (She knows he can do romance well, but she didn’t expect it to work so well in the dance.) Your lines were gorgeous, you looked like you were having a genuinely good time. There’s a bravado in you that’s very easy to watch and easy on the eyes.

Bruno: It was rough.

Carrie Ann: It wasn’t rough. You wish he was rough, that’s what’s going on.

Tom Bergeron: OK, kids!

Carrie Ann: You do have to work a little bit on your posture, but overall excellent job.



Aww! Vienna and Gia. What is Gia looking at?

Brooke said after proposing on television dancing can’t be so bad. Jake told Brooke “Proposing to Vienna was the honor of my life.”

Aww! Camera flash to Vienna smiling.


5. Niecy Nash & Louis van Amstel, cha-cha-cha (Scores: 7, 5, 6 = 18/30)

She was always chubby and kicked out of a dance performance in fifth grade.

I love her on “Reno 911.”

Louis is a sweetheart. She’s lucky to get him. He put up with Kelly last season.

She’s not like most people, she said. “I like my jiggly parts.”

She doesn’t want to lose those jiggly parts.

Love her already.

She’s singing along with “Rescue Me.” She looks comfortable and happy, but she’s not exactly a talented dancer. Still, she’s fun to watch.

She has some “happy crying” on the dance floor.

Standing ovation. She must have tons of fans.

Bruno: This was like watching two personalities — at times I had Lola the sassy old mama and at time I had a born-again virgin. (She needs to focus her performance and find the sassy lady.)

Carrie Ann: How was that not sassy enough for you? Girlfriend, you were boogying, your booty was going. … I loved it. Good job.

Len: It was clean, it was clear, it was precise. For me the whole thing was a bit uneventful. You are a bubbly character, this was a flat cha-cha-cha.

Huge boos from the audience. The studio LOVES her.



She’s happy she had the bite of a hamburger before the dance, and that she remembered her routine.

She dedicated her routine to “thick girls everywhere.”

Thick-bodied, I think. Not thick-headed.


6. Evan Lysacek & Anna Trebunskaya, Viennese waltz (Scores: 8, 7, 8 = 23/30)

He does “suicide training” because it’s so hard.

He’s been called too technical with no dance ability.

She’s Russian and he’s glad she doesn’t hold it against him that he beat the Russian skater, Evgeni Plushenko. She said it was his own fault. (!)

She’s making him move out there, which is good.

I don’t know how many Viennese waltzes I can take, though. They are already getting old and we’re only six dances into the night.

He does have the posture and polish for ballroom, though. The true test of this kid will be when he tries to do a sexy Latin number.

Carrie Ann: (She wooed!) You are good. Those lines were just gorgeous. (He needs to watch his toes and point them and make a connection with the audience.)

Len: You have got great artistry, there’s lovely musicality about you. … You’ve got clumsy feet. … Get chemistry between the two of you. You’re used to dancing alone. You’re a couple now.

Bruno: You’ve got the wingspan of a 747. You’re moving with the grace of a swan. …You’re using the space beautifully.



I don’t think they deserve to be in the lead at this point.


7. Buzz Aldrin & Ashly DelGrosso-Costa, cha-cha-cha (Scores: 5, 4, 5 = 14/30)

Some guy on the international space station did a backflip for Buzz.

I love Buzz! What a trip if he won.

Buzz is a classic cute old man, but bless him he can't dance.

Yes, on July 20, 1969 he was one of the first men to walk on the moon.

Why isn’t Neil Armstrong competing against him? That’d be great.

Ashly hasn’t been around since season three.

Buzz thought she was a “really cute babe” and it would be a real treat to dance with her.

Ashly is concerned about him memorizing the steps.

Why did they give the oldest man a fast dance to start with? He should’ve been allowed to waltz.

He’s clearly out of it and slow to move. She’s doing all the work.

But he’s cuter than a button, bless him!

Tim Allen in the audience — Buzz from “Toy Story”!

Len: (Talks about how he watched Buzz walking on the moon. He commends Buzz for his bravery in coming out tonight.) But he can’t give marks for bravery, only dancing. he dance wasn’t too good tonight.

Bruno: It looked like you still had your moon boots on.

(Everyone wants to be nice to him.)

Carrie Ann: Was that a little moon walk I saw? My cute little moonwalker. (One of the great things about the show is it inspires people to dance.) You inspired a ton of people tonight.



Buzz told Brooke he wanted to inspire people about what they did in the past and he’s looking forward to the future.

The judges gave him only 14 out of 30? COMMUNISTS!


8. Nicole Scherzinger & Derek Hough, Viennese waltz (Scores: 9, 7, 9 = 25/30)

I really think they will go far in this. Both so freakin’ gorgeous.

She told the camera secretly she did kind of pray for Derek. (We all do.)

She’s not used to doing anything like the Viennese waltz.

She does have some dance ability, so cue all the Mya comments from last season.

Yep. Already I can tell they are going to be good and we’re going to hear the same “she has too much previous experience” comments.

Bruno: A performance of startling finesse. I am astounded. Incredible.

Carrie Ann: Apparently the bar has just been set for season 10. It was beautiful. It was emotional. … You had all the light and shade. … I haven’t seen a routine out of the gate like that ever.

Len: I understand these two going overboard on that routine because it’s very appealing. However if you look past the facade of the choreography there’s no footwork. … you lacked musicality … work on your technique.

(Bruno and Carrie Ann were dumbfounded.)




9. Aiden Turner & Edyta Śliwińska, cha-cha-cha (Scores: 5, 5, 5 = 15/30)

Rrrarrrr. I was not familiar with this guy. DWTS introduces me to some nice guys — Gilles and now Aiden. Love the accent.

And EDYTA! Love her! She’s my favorite.


He brought a gigantic bouquet. It’s a bit gaudy, actually.

She’s married, you know.

Edyta thinks he’s “so good looking” and he makes her laugh. Look sharp, Alec!

I love them, but Edyta needs to teach him how to dance, not just dance around him.

Carrie Ann: I liked the approach, I liked the gusto … It was really disjointed. It didn’t go anywhere for me. … There was no musicality. It didn’t flow.

Len: You’re English, so I can talk straight to you. There’s a dancer in there. But for me this routine was filled with everything I don’t like (jumping off stage, him standing there while she shakes about.) I was disappointed with it.

Bruno: A cha-cha-cha with nothing growing in the groin. … If you haven’t got that it wasn’t hot.



I feel bad for him, actually, because it does sound like the judges were mostly challenging her choreography.


10. Kate Gosselin & Tony Dovolani, Viennese waltz (Scores: 6, 5, 5 = 16/30)

She wants to prove her kids and everyone else wrong.

Kate rests on the strong shoulders of Tony "The Teeth" Dovolani. The guy Erin Andrews wanted.

Tony “The Teeth” Dovolani! LOVE!

She’s already getting stressed and frustrated.

Tony approached her to ask if she even wants to be there. She doesn’t seem to be having fun.

She insisted she wanted to be there and her excitement was hiding under her insecurity.

She’s doing it for all the moms out there. (Like Brooke Burke? And Pamela Anderson?)

Len: The first dance is like your first date. You don’t know what to expect. You want to impress and you’re nervous. And I think that was the stumbling block for you. You looked nervous. You didn’t dance with any fluidity.

Bruno: The technique was terrible. You have to learn to perform, assume a character. It looked like Tony was pushing a shopping cart around the floor. … You have to exude something. Assume a persona.

(Huge boos from audience.)

Bruno: I’m right! She has to learn.

Tom: Like you should exude tact.

Carrie Ann: You’re very different than a lot of our other people who’ve been on this show. Because you’re not a performer. You’re not an athlete. So all of this. Every single aspect of this is new to you. You’ve never trained for something like this … and I really am impressed. There was a sweet vulnerability to what you were doing and an honesty that sort of resonates with people. Yes, you have a long way to go, but next week, who knows?

Kate had a kind of ticked off look on her face through most of the judging. Maybe she was just focused.



Kate told Brooke she felt honored to be there and glad it was over and glad that her kids could rest easy now.


11. Pamela Anderson & Damian Whitewood, cha-cha-cha (Scores: 7, 6, 8 = 21/30)

She is the Internet’s most downloaded star?

Pamela Anderson is a hot mama indeed.

He is the new pro.

He said once we see him transform a dancer we’ll call him “The Wizard of Oz.” So I take it that’s an Aussie accent.

She’s working the sexpot angle. She looks like a porn star who just got out of bed, shaking it in some kind of ’80s rock video.

That’s not necessarily a bad thing.

He made her move, so I’ll give him credit. I’m interested to see more from him, as the new guy on the block.

Bruno: I can only think of sex, sex and more sex. The dirtier the better. Stripperella is back home. Do it to me, girl!

Tom: Is that good or bad…?

Bruno: I can’t wait for next week for some more.

Carrie Ann: I’ve been waiting the most to see you .. and you did not disappoint. … You were having fun and were fully engaged. … That was a little much.

Tom: I feel about 12 right now.

Carrie Ann: Didn’t it make you giddy?

Tom swoons next to Pam. She pats him. Ha!

Len: This cast of celebrities have been brilliant. I thought the start was great, you did all that solo work … overall it was a mess. You went wrong a lot.

Bruno: But the sex was good!



Jake and Chelsie practice their romantic Viennese real dancer Tenley Molzahn quietly seethes with jealousy. You know Vienna Girardi is probably already flirting with whoever sits next to her in the ABC studio.

By Gina Carbone

“Dancing with the Stars” isn’t exactly “So You Think You Can Dance” — think way more sequins and way less talent.

(Think zero talent and you won’t leave disappointed.)

But any show that gives an extra 15 minutes to Crazy Cloris Leachman and introduces Gilles Marini’s chest to prime time gets a spot on Gina’s Must Watch list.

And that’s even before the arrival of Jake Pavelka of “The Bachelor” and his No. 1 blonde squeeze Chelsie Hightower Tanya Douglas Vienna Girardi.

(Jake tweeted earlier today that Gia Allemand will be in the audience tonight with Vienna.)

Tonight, Jake and Chelsie will supposedly dance a Viennese waltz to Seal’s “Kiss from a Rose.”

The Viennese waltz is a snore, but five of the pairs will be doing it, for some reason, on opening night. (Seriously, five waltzes on opening night? You want us to WATCH the show, right?)

Maybe Nicole will actually be too stiff for DWTS. Loosen up her buttons, Derek!

Six others will actually do something interesting: The cha-cha-cha.

No idea how Sexy Nicole Scherzinger and even Sexier Derek Hough got stuck with ballroom instead of Latin, but I’m sure there is a grand design … that misses the point of getting people hooked early on in the season.

Please consider the train wreck potential of tonight’s liiiiiiive! broadcast of DWTS season 10, from 8 to 10 p.m. on ABC.

Yes, in “The Bachelor” timeslot. I know you’ve kept it open.

And then return here around 10:30 p.m. ET or thereafter to read my thoughts on the show.

Unfortunately no one will be eliminated this week, so we’ll just have to suffer through enjoy the process and wait for next week to take a moment and say our goodbyes to one of these 11 “stars” and their more attractive pro partners:

* BUZZ ALDRIN, legendary astronaut, partners up with ASHLY COSTA (formerly DelGrosso), who returns for her fourth season.

* PAMELA ANDERSON, actress and model, joins professional dancer DAMIAN WHITEWOOD, who makes his “Dancing with the Stars” debut this season.

* ERIN ANDREWS, ESPN host, teams with MAKSIM CHMERKOVSKIY, who returns for his eighth season.

* SHANNEN DOHERTY, actress, teams up with two-time “Dancing with the Stars” champ MARK BALLAS, who returns for his sixth season.

* KATE GOSSELIN, TLC star, teams with TONY DOVOLANI, who returns for his ninth season.

* EVAN LYSACEK, Olympic figure skating champion, teams with ANNA TREBUNSKAYA, who returns for her fifth season.

* NIECY NASH, comedienne and host, teams up with LOUIS VAN AMSTEL, who returns for his sixth season

* CHAD OCHOCINCO, NFL Star, teams up with two-time champion CHERYL BURKE, who returns for her ninth season.

* JAKE PAVELKA, “The Bachelor” star, joins CHELSIE HIGHTOWER, who returns for her third season.

* NICOLE SCHERZINGER, pop star, teams with Season 7 champ DEREK HOUGH, who returns for his sixth season.

* AIDEN TURNER, soap star, teams with EDYTA SLIWINSKA, who is the only pro to compete in all 10 seasons of “Dancing with the Stars.”

My money is still on The Hottie Hough and his Pussycat to win.

More notes from the original ABC press release:

In week two, all of the couples will return and try to outshine each other once again in a two-hour show, MONDAY, MARCH 29 (8:00-10:00 p.m., ET). The couple with the lowest combined judges’ scores and public votes for both performances will be sent home on TUESDAY, MARCH 30 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET) in the season premiere of “Dancing with the Stars the Results Show.”

Viewers may cast their votes for their favorite teams via phone on Monday night during and up to 30 minutes after the “Dancing with the Stars” performance shows. AT&T customers may also text message their votes by texting the word “VOTE” and entering the number that corresponds to the team they want to support (message and data rates may apply). Viewers may also vote online at starting from the opening of each episode on the East Coast and until 12:00 Noon, ET the following day.

Read my pre-season interview with host Tom Bergeron here.

He was a DJ in Portsmouth, N.H., and he’s still good about supporting local stuff. But I think he’s jealous that his new co-host, Brooke Burke, is kicking his ass on Twitter followers.

Uh oh. I sense trouble from this trio of blondes.

By Gina Carbone

I just wonder how fixed Vienna Girardi’s smile is going to be when watching her “Bachelor” fiancé Jake Pavelka dance with hot little Chelsie Hightower on season 10 of “Dancing with the Stars.”

Chelsie was on my favorite season of “So You Think You Can Dance” (she wasn’t my favorite dancer, although I loved her original partner, Mark. My heart belongs to Joshua and Katee) and she’s a funky little flirt.

She danced with snowboarder Louie Vito last season and I believe Aaron Carter was nursing a crush on her while dancing with Karina Smirnoff (who was cut from the competition).

Chelsie Hightower and Ty Murray

She also had great chemistry with Jewel’s hubby, Ty Murray.

Anyway, ABC released a press release with the full celeb and pro pairings.

Since the pros are the real stars, to me, this is the key announcement.

No offense to lovely Anna Trebunskaya but I’m disappointed that dreamy Evan Lysacek didn’t get someone a little more fun, like Karina or Chelsie or Kym Johnson (nowhere to be found and she’s the reigning champion. Odd.) Or Lacey Schwimmer, who is gone for some reason this season. Or Julianne Hough, the best dancer on the show, who is probably never coming back.

I think Jake will do well with Chelsie.

I think anyone paired with Cheryl Burke will do well — and suffer for it.

But at this point it seems clear that Pussycat Doll Nicole Scherzinger and my boy Derek Hough are the team to beat.

Sex appeal like mad. Get ready for a lot of “raunchy” complaints from head judge Len Goodman and some mad drooling and unintelligible gibberish from Bruno Tonioli.




The “Dancing with the Stars” Pros Begin Training Their New Celebrity Partners,

As the Couples Get Set to Showcase Their Fancy Footwork

One New Professional Ballroom Dancer Joins the Show, Damian Whitewood

An all-new cast of celebrities and their professional partners hit the dance floor on ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars” with the highly anticipated two-hour season premiere, MONDAY, MARCH 22 (8:00-10:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.

In alphabetical order, and with their professional partners, the 11 stars making their ballroom dancing debut are:

  • BUZZ ALDRIN, legendary astronaut, partners up with ASHLY COSTA (formerly DelGrosso), who returns for her fourth season.
  • PAMELA ANDERSON, actress and model, joins professional dancer DAMIAN WHITEWOOD, who makes his “Dancing with the Stars” debut this season.
  • ERIN ANDREWS, ESPN host, teams with MAKSIM CHMERKOVSKIY, who returns for his eighth season.
  • SHANNEN DOHERTY, actress, teams up with two-time “Dancing with the Stars” champ MARK BALLAS, who returns for his sixth season.
  • KATE GOSSELIN, TLC star, teams with TONY DOVOLANI, who returns for his ninth season.
  • EVAN LYSACEK, Olympic figure skating champion, teams with ANNA TREBUNSKAYA, who returns for her fifth season.
  • NIECY NASH, comedienne and host, teams up with LOUIS VAN AMSTEL, who returns for his sixth season
  • CHAD OCHOCINCO, NFL Star, teams up with two-time champion CHERYL BURKE, who returns for her ninth season.
  • JAKE PAVELKA, “The Bachelor” star, joins CHELSIE HIGHTOWER, who returns for her third season.
  • NICOLE SCHERZINGER, pop star, teams with Season 7 champ DEREK HOUGH, who returns for his sixth season.
  • AIDEN TURNER, soap star, teams with EDYTA SLIWINSKA, who is the only pro to compete in all 10 seasons of “Dancing with the Stars.”

All 11 teams will showcase their fancy footwork for the first time on MONDAY, MARCH 22 (8:00-10:00 p.m., ET), with no eliminations in first week of the competition. In week two, all of the couples will return and try to outshine each other once again in a two-hour show, MONDAY, MARCH 29 (8:00-10:00 p.m., ET). The couple with the lowest combined judges’ scores and public votes for both performances will be sent home on TUESDAY, MARCH 30 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET) in the season premiere of “Dancing with the Stars the Results Show.”

Viewers may cast their votes for their favorite teams via phone on Monday night during and up to 30 minutes after the “Dancing with the Stars” performance shows. AT&T customers may also text message their votes by texting the word “VOTE” and entering the number that corresponds to the team they want to support (message and data rates may apply). Viewers may also vote online at starting from the opening of each episode on the East Coast and until 12:00 Noon, ET the following day.

Hosted by Tom Bergeron (“America’s Funniest Home Videos”), the celebrities perform choreographed dance routines which will be judged by renowned Ballroom judge Len Goodman and dancer/choreographers Bruno Tonioli and Carrie Ann Inaba, who all return for their tenth season together.

Ren Vokes is already my favorite to win "America's Next Top Model" cycle 14. Not only is Ren a great name, her occupation is listed simply as "Living." Nice.

By Gina Carbone

Oh goodie! Some of my favorite shows are coming back.

But, of course, my TV BFF, “The Bachelor,” is ending.

Sad face.

But this summer we’ll get my even better BFF, “The Bachelorette,” and we’ll find out who she is (*cough*AliFedotowsky*cough*) on Monday during “The Bachelor: On the Wings of Love” season finale and “After the Final Rose” special.

Check out the following list of upcoming shows and mark your calendars now.

Then return to this fun little space later this month for thoughts on stuff like “Dancing with the Stars” and “America’s Next Top Model.”

(Note: This list was copied and pasted wholesale from AOL Television. Enjoy!)


Monday, March 1
‘The Bachelor’ (ABC) 14th season finale
‘Little Parents, First Baby’ (TLC) series premiere
‘Rules of Engagement’ (CBS) 4th season premiere
‘The Real Housewives 25: The Early Years’ (Bravo) special presentation
‘The Bachelor: After the Final Rose’ (ABC) special presentation
‘Let’s Talk About Pep’ (VH1) 1st season finale
‘La La Land’ (Showtime) 1st season finale

This guy again!

‘The Tonight Show with Jay Leno’ (NBC) series return

Tuesday, March 2
‘How the Earth Was Made’ (History) 2nd season finale
‘Last Restaurant Standing: The Winner’s Story’ (BBC America) special presentation
’20/20: Before They Were Famous’ (ABC) special presentation
‘Madman of the Sea’ (Animal Planet) series premiere
‘Parenthood’ (NBC) series premiere
‘Players’ (Spike) series premiere

Wednesday, March 3
‘Web Soup’ (G4) 2nd season premiere
‘The Oprah Winfrey Oscar Special’ (ABC) special presentation
‘High School Reunion’ (TV Land) 6th season finale
The Locator‘ (We) 4th season premiere
Nip/Tuck‘ (FX) series finale
‘Solving History with Olly Steeds’ (History) 1st season finale
‘Tyler Perry’s House of Payne’ (TBS) 6th season mid-season premiere

Thursday, March 4
‘Burn Notice’ (USA) 3rd season finale
‘Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew’ (VH1) 3rd season finale
‘The Marriage Ref’ (NBC) series premiere
‘The Real Housewives of Orange County’ (Bravo) 5th season finale
‘The Real Housewives of New York City’ (Bravo) 3rd season premiere

Friday, March 5
‘Ghost Whisperer’ (CBS) 100th episode
‘Who Do You Think You Are?’ (NBC) series premiere
‘The Soup Awards’ (E!) special presentation
‘2010 Independent Spirit Awards’ (IFC) special presentation

Saturday, March 6
‘Magic & Bird: A Courtship of Rivals’ (HBO) special presentation
‘How Do I Look?’ (Style) 6th season finale
‘America’s Most Wanted: America Fights Back’ (FOX) 1000th episode
‘What I Hate About Me’ (Style) 1st season finale
‘Danny Bhoy: Subject to Change’ (Comedy Central) special presentation
‘Mystery Files’ (ID) series premiere
‘Fashion Emergency: Fakeovers’ (Style) special presentation

Sunday, March 7
‘Barbara Walters Oscars Special’ (ABC) special presentation
‘Countdown to the Oscars 2010’ (ABC) special presentation
‘The 82nd Annual Academy Awards’ (ABC) special presentation
‘Superswarm’ (Discovery) special presentation
‘Big Love’ (HBO) 4th season finale
‘Monsters and Mysteries in Alaska’ (Discovery) special presentation

Monday, March 8
‘The Bachelor: Jason and Molly’s Wedding’ (ABC) special presentation
‘Scott Hamilton: Return to the Ice’ (Biography) special presentation
‘Gossip Girl’ (The CW) 3rd season mid-season premiere
‘Make It or Break It’ (ABC Family) 1st season finale
‘Trauma’ (NBC) 1st season mid-season premiere
‘The Buried Life’ (MTV) 1st season finale
‘Fantasia For Real’ (VH1) 1st season finale
‘My Life As Liz’ (MTV) 1st season finale
‘Tracey Ullman’s State of the Union’ (Showtime) 3rd season finale

Tuesday, March 9
‘Wild Recon’ (Animal Planet) 1st season finale
‘The Bad Girls Club’ (Oxygen) 4th season finale
‘Chopped’ (Food) 3rd season finale
‘Food Wars’ (Travel) series premiere
‘The Miss Turkey Trot and Miss Drumsticks Pageants’ (TLC) special presentation
‘White Collar’ (USA) 1st season finale

Wednesday, March 10
‘America’s Next Top Model’ (The CW) 14th season premiere
‘The Real Housewives of Orange County: Reunion Special, Part 1’ (Bravo) special presentation
‘High Society’ (The CW) series premiere
‘First Love, Second Chance’ (TV Land) series premiere
‘Psych’ (USA) 4th season finale
‘Billy the Exterminator’ (A&E) 2nd season premiere

Thursday, March 11
‘The Real Housewives of Orange County: Reunion Special, Part 2’ (Bravo) special presentation
‘Celebrity Rehab Presents: Sober House’ (VH1) 2nd season premiere
‘True Crime with Aphrodite Jones’ (ID) series premiere

Friday, March 12
‘Supernanny’ (ABC) 100th episode, 6th season finale
‘Numb3rs’ (CBS) 6th season finale

Saturday, March 13
‘True Blue: Ten Years of Blue Collar Comedy’ (CMT) special presentation
‘Blue Collar Comedy: Ten Years of Funny’ (CMT) special presentation
‘Dinoshark’ (Syfy) special presentation
‘The Guard’ (Ion) series premiere
‘The Outdoor Room with Jamie Durie’ (HGTV) 1st season finale

Sunday, March 14
‘Minute to Win It’ (NBC) series premiere
‘Killer Aliens’ (Animal Planet) special presentation
‘Cutting Edge 4: Fire & Ice’ (ABC Family) special presentation
‘The Apprentice’ (NBC) 9th season premiere
‘The Pacific’ (HBO) mini-series premiere
‘The Man With Half a Body’ (TLC) special presentation
‘Ultimate Recipe Showdown’ (Food) 3rd season premiere
‘Sons of Tucson’ (FOX) series premiere
‘America’s Worst Driver’ (Travel) series premiere
‘The Antonio Treatment’ (HGTV) series premiere
‘Fatal Attractions’ (Animal Planet) series premiere
‘Kendra’ (E!) 2nd season premiere
‘Hoarding: Buried Alive’ (TLC) special presentation
‘Tough as Nails’ (HGTV) series premiere

Monday, March 15
’20/20: Inside the Bachelor: The Stories Behind the Rose’ (ABC) special presentation
‘Top Gear’ (BBC America) 13th season finale
‘Home Rules’ (HGTV) series premiere
‘The Secret Life of the American Teenager: Special’ (ABC Family) special presentation
‘NFL Full Contact’ (TruTV) 1st season finale
‘The Price of Beauty’ (VH1) series premiere
‘Secret Diary of a Call Girl’ (Showtime) 3rd season finale
‘Transform Me’ (VH1) series premiere

Tuesday, March 16
‘Samurai’ (History) special presentation
‘Snake Man’ (Animal Planet) special presentation
‘The Bad Girls Club: Reunion, Part 1’ (Oxygen) special presentation
‘Justified’ (FX) series premiere
‘Love Games: Bad Girls Need Love Too’ (Oxygen) series premiere
‘Marriage Under Construction’ (HGTV) series premiere

Wednesday, March 17
‘Scrubs’ (ABC) 9th season finale
‘Gary Unmarried’ (CBS) 2nd season finale
‘Addicted’ (TLC) series premiere
‘Destination Truth’ (Syfy) 4th season premiere
‘The Real World’ (MTV) 23rd season finale
‘South Park’ (Comedy Central) 14th season premiere
‘Ugly Americans’ (Comedy Central) series premiere

Thursday, March 18
‘NCAA Basketball Championship: First Round’ (CBS) special presentation
‘FlashForward’ (ABC) 1st season mid-season premiere
‘Afghan Star’ (HBO) special presentation
‘Archer’ (FX) 1st season finale
‘Star Struck: Setara Act II’ (HBO) special presentation

Friday, March 19
‘NCAA Basketball Championship: First Round’ (CBS) special presentation
‘Thin Ice, Part 1’ (ABC) special presentation
‘Shameless’ (Sundance) 5th season finale

Saturday, March 20
‘NCAA Basketball Championship: Second Round Quadruple Header’ (CBS) special presentation
‘Seducing Cindy’ (Fox Reality) 1st season finale
‘Survivors’ (BBC America) 1st season finale
‘Solitary’ (Fox Reality) 4th season finale

Sunday, March 21
‘The Life of Mammals’ (BBC America) special presentation
‘Thin Ice, Part 2’ (ABC) special presentation
‘Frank the Entertainer … in a Basement Affair’ (VH1) 1st season finale
‘Life’ (Discovery) series premiere
‘Gene Simmons Family Jewels’ (A&E) 5th season premiere
‘Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane’ (Style) 3rd season premiere
‘Breaking Bad’ (AMC) 3rd season premiere
‘Atlas 4D’ (Discovery) special presentation
‘Kirstie Alley’s Big Life’ (A&E) series premiere

Monday, March 22
‘Dancing with the Stars’ (ABC) 10th season premiere
‘The Secret Life of the American Teenager’ (ABC Family) 2nd season finale
‘Top Gear’ (BBC America) 14th season premiere
‘Ultimate Cake Off’ (TLC) 2nd season finale
‘Nurse Jackie’ (Showtime) 2nd season premiere
‘Be Good Johnny Weir’ (Sundance) 1st season finale
‘The United States of Tara’ (Showtime) 2nd season premiere

Tuesday, March 23
‘The Bad Girls Club: Reunion, Part 2’ (Oxygen) special presentation
‘The Forgotten’ (ABC) 1st season finale

Wednesday, March 24
‘Mythbusters’ (Discovery) 8th season premiere
‘Fly Girls’ (The CW) series premiere
‘The Real World: The S&@! They Should’ve Shown’ (MTV) special presentation

Thursday, March 25
‘NCAA Basketball Championship: Regional Semifinal Double Header’ (CBS) special presentation
‘The Tiger Next Door’ (Animal Planet) special presentation

Friday, March 26
‘NCAA Basketball Championship: Regional Semifinal Double Header’ (CBS) special presentation
‘Wife Swap’ (ABC) 6th season premiere
‘Caprica’ (Syfy) 1st season mid-season finale
‘Chandon Pictures’ (Sundance) series premiere
‘Famous Crime Scene’ (VH1) 1st season finale
‘Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution’ (ABC) series premiere
‘The Best Thing I Ever Ate’ (Food) 2nd season finale
‘Top Yam: The Louisiana Yambilee Queen Pageant’ (TLC) special presentation

Saturday, March 27
‘NCAA Basketball Championship: Regional Final Double Header’ (CBS) special presentation
‘Survivors’ (BBC America) 2nd season premiere
‘2010 WWE Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony’ (USA) special presentation

Sunday, March 28
‘The Emeril Lagasse Show’ (Ion) series premiere
‘Fatal Attractions’ (Animal Planet) 1st season finale

Monday, March 29
’10 Things I Hate About You’ (ABC Family) 2nd season premiere
‘Saving Grace’ (TNT) 4th season premiere
‘Greek’ (ABC Family) 3rd season finale
‘Kell on Earth’ (Bravo) 1st season finale

Tuesday, March 30
‘Law & Order: Criminal Intent’ (USA) 9th season premiere
‘V’ (ABC) 1st season mid-season premiere

Wednesday, March 31
‘The Inbetweeners’ (BBC America) 2nd season finale
‘In Plain Sight’ (USA) 3rd season premiere
‘The Real World: Reunion Special’ (MTV) special presentation
‘The Ultimate Fighter’ (Spike) 11th season premiere

She'll be replacing Simon Cowell next.

By Gina Carbone

Don’t you wish your breakups were this lucrative?

Melissa Rycroft — “The Bachelor’s” most famous dumpee — is reportedly up against Brooke Burke and Vanessa Minnillo for the gig to replace departing co-host Samantha Harris opposite host Tom Bergeron on “Dancing with the Stars.”

Melissa came in third during the eighth season of DWTS. Brooke won season seven and Vanessa is three people removed from the whole thing, since she’s dating Nick Lachey, whose brother Drew won the disco ball trophy.

If you like Mel, pray that ABC picks her and then dumps her for Brooke or Vanessa. That seems to be her lucky charm.

Sign me up for the world’s shortest engagement, followed by a televised breakup, followed within minutes by my ex-fiance asking the runner-up out for coffee — as long as it’s followed by a cushy timeline like this:

• Jason Mesnick dumped Melissa for Molly Malaney (whom he is scheduled to marry on ABC next month) in March of 2009.

The same month — within days of the show airing, actually — Mel was picked to fill the slot vacated by Nancy O’Dell, who had to withdraw from the competition on March 5 due to a knee injury.

In June 2009, it was revealed that Melissa would be joining morning television news and talk show “Good Morning America” as a special contributor.

She was named to People magazine’s list of World’s Most Beautiful People 2009 and named #99 on Maxim’s list of “Hot 100 of 2009.”

She married her boyfriend Tye Strickland last December in Mexico and it looks like she sold the pics to whoever wanted them.

She joined Ryan Seacrest in December in Times Square for the “Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve with Ryan Seacrest” special.

She recently took on a reporting gig with “Entertainment Tonight” and her first assignment was covering the “We Are The World” recording session in Los Angeles. Future assignments will reportedly include parties, award shows, premieres and set visits. (Just like Tiger Woods’ “Mistress No. 1,” Rachel Uchitel, who just interviewed our boy Jake Pavelka for “Extra.”)

And now this thing with DWTS.

“They’re only testing those three on camera for now,” a production insider told E! News. “The testing will happen some time next week.”

If the casting session doesn’t work out, E! reported, ABC has a backup plan to “rotate past contestants” in the role as backstage interviewer, with Rycroft, Burke, Drew Lachey and Nancy O’Dell among those at the top of the list. (Note: Nancy O’Dell was not a past contestant. She’s the whole reason Mel ended up on the show.)

And that’s not even mentioning that before “The Bachelor” Melissa was on the CMT reality TV series “Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team,” which is how she was able to introduce herself to Jason as a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader.

No offense, but am I the only one who’s done with this chick?

Besides, Tom Bergeron doesn’t need more tan & teeth as a sidekick. If he needs anyone at all backstage talking to the contestants it should be Crazy Cloris Leachman.

You know she’d do the best interviews.

“Dancing with the Stars” hosts Tom Bergeron and Samantha Harris are shown with contestant Adam Carolla and pro dancer Julianne Hough during season six.

Got another press release from ABC:


Tom Bergeron to Announce Cast Members Throughout the Two-Hour Finale Will Post the Names As They’re Revealed On-Air

In a special Monday night event, the cast of “Dancing with the Stars” season 10  will be announced by “Dancing with the Stars” host Tom Bergeron in interstitials airing throughout the highly anticipated dramatic two-hour finale of the popular romance reality series, “The Bachelor: On the Wings of Love,” on MONDAY, MARCH 1 (8:00-10:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

Immediately following each cast member’s unveiling during primetime, will post the updated list online.

The Spring 2010 season of “Dancing with the Stars” premieres MONDAY, MARCH 22, 2010 (8:00-10:00 p.m., ET). In week two, all of the couples will return to dance once again, MONDAY, MARCH 29 (8:00-10:00 p.m., ET). The team with the lowest combined judges’ scores and public votes for both performances will be eliminated from the competition on the first results show, TUESDAY, MARCH 30 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET). “Macy’s Stars of Dance,” which features some of the most renowned dancers and choreographers of our time, will also be back on “Dancing with the Stars the Results Show.”

Viewers may cast their votes via phone and online at AT&T subscribers may also text message their votes by texting the word “VOTE” and entering the number that corresponds to the team they want to support (message and data rates may apply).


Don’t forget: Samantha Harris is leaving her gig as DWTS co-host/awkward chick backstage. So Tom Bergeron who has local connections to my town of Portsmouth, N.H. — may be flying solo for a while. He can handle it.

Remember when they announced Jake Pavelka as the new “Bachelor” during the last season of DWTS? Do you think maybe one of the dancers this new season will be a “Bachelor” alum? Maybe Tenley Molzahn or Vienna Girardi? Or just Paula Abdul, since she’s free?